Saturday, January 21, 2012

finally here

I got in yesterday after a bumpy overnight flight. We took the tube from Heathrow to the apartments in Kensington. Me and the girls I flew in with went for a walk around the area. It's so beautiful. I can't wait to not be exhausted and emotionally drained so that I can experience the real London. I also can't wait to go to my first Chelsea game.

Today we had orientation at the University of London Union, where my classes will be. It was long and tedious but we had 2 hours for lunch which was spent exploring. A man on stilts talked to me. definitely highlight of the day. I'm now cooking my first meal here. Classic spaghetti.

Tomorrow we have a sightseeing bus trip. Should be interesting and will hopefully inspire some more points of interest. I have yet to remember my camera but there will soon be pictures accompanying these posts.

See ya later.

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