Monday, February 13, 2012

I love this city!

sorry about the lack of posts all. The internet in my apartment is pretty touch and go and I wanted to have some good stories and pictures.

So this past week has been filled with classes and more exploring. We learned about the Parliamentary system on the UK in British Life and Culture and watched some of the Questions to the Prime Minister. This was exciting, something I never would have expected from government. It involves a weekly slot of time in which members of parliament can ask and debate with the prime minister. They banter back and forth and are quite clever in their attacks. But then the pm comes back and magnificently unravels the argument just thrown in his face. If I have the chance I would like to go to Parliament and see this in action.

On saturday I went to my first Premier League game! Fulham vs Stoke City.
Craven Cottege before the match
The teams walking out of the tunnel to start the match.

Clint Dempsey from the US mens national team plays for Fulham and is one of their best players. All of us from AIFS were cheering for him. He scored the second goal for Fulham which turned out to be vitally important to keep them on top of the match. I am still eagerly anticipating the Chelsea match on February 25th.

The Orangerie in Kensington Gardens

We went here for tea on Friday. It's part of the Kensington Palace. It was so beautiful and the food was delicious. Though I'm still on the lookout for a place for cream tea.


  1. Alianna,

    Great photos--seriously you have a good camera eye! The Boszhardts used to live on Fulham Ct in Greendale. You're beginning to write like a Brit: "vitally important". I say. Package mailed Monday from here, but it's not tea. Keep posting.


  2. Hi Alianna,
    I finally have figured out how to blog you, I think. I did send an e-mail to you a couple of weeks ago. I am getting ready to do my Sunday in NY. It is a beautiful day....all winter has been like wierd.
    I am so excited for you...and love getting your shots and travel moments. love, nancy
    ps...when blogging is it always public?
